The Team
Clark was born in Washington, D.C. and raised in near by Rockville, MD. He owe's his love of writing to his parents. During summer vacations, he had to rewrite the endings to short stories they read in Reader’s Digest or to novels they had recently completed. He graduated from Howard Uni- versity with a degree in Computer Based Information Systems. He worked for Fannie Mae as Web Developer in their Internet Engineering department for fifteen years. Then Motorola as a network engineer. While the pay was rewarding, his calling has been writing and the visual arts, of which he have been involved with for the past 10 years. He currently reside in Bowie, MD with his wife , 5 year old daughter, and Chocolate Lab, Moose.
Clark has been involved in film production since 2004 and has been writing for over 20 years. His first feature length film entitled Prayer Life received world wide distribution in 2008. Prayer Life later that year also received the Redemptive Storyteller's Award at the Redemptive Film Festival and The Jury Award at the San Francisco WYSIWG film festival.
The following year, his screenplay entitled 33 and a 1/3rd Christmases, won the Best Screenplay at the International Gloria Film Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah. The story of a successful music producer whom at the age of 33, was in the last stages of his bout with cancer and moments from death, experiences a life changing conversation with God. The story line created waves within the faith based community as critics called it a “faith based trojan horse.” As one judge from the film festival put it:
“If produced, 33 and a 1/3rd Christmases, is a secular movie that leaves an opening for wit- nessing to friends and family. It’s not preachy or grandstanding, but a wonderfully told plot that many from all walks of life can relate to and enjoy.”
In 2009, Clark completed Reflections of a Motor City, a biopic on the founding of Motown Records. The story tells the story of how Berry Gordy and Smoky Robinson started an independent record label that leveraged both the business talents that Gordy learned working at Ford and Robinson’s childhood neighborhood friends. Those childhood friends included the likes of Aretha Franklin, members of The Miracles, The Temptations, Martha Reeves, Diana Ross, Mary Wilson, and Florence Ballard. As the company grew, so did Robinson’s friendships with Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell, and a teenage Steve Wonder. The script received the Dove Foundation’s Family approved seal:
“Mr. McMillian Jr. is a talent himself, having written a literate and interesting screenplay. I finished the 164 page manuscript in slightly over two hours of straight-through reading time. This script takes you back to the fifties and sixties and includes the reader in the news of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It is a gritty story but reflects realistically the time period which it covers. We gladly award our Dove "Family-Approved" Seal to "Reflections of a Motor City". Let this script take you back!”
In 2011 and 2012, he returned to filmmaking by writing and producing his first documentary, which is available for purchase, entitled, “The Victory Experience.” The Dove Foundation had this review:
“This DVD is inspiring, motivational, spiritual, and has the potential to build faith in the viewer so as to seek God for some life-altering moments too. Really, we can't recommend this one high enough. Five Doves from us our best rating. See this one soon!”
After The Victory Experience, Clark wrote and produced a short entitled “Serenity” directed by Diana Villamonte, that is currently in post-production. A man laid off of his job is given five minutes to clear out his cube, and then is walked out by an HR representative in front of his peers. Devastated, ashamed, and embarrassed, he learns that when God closes one door, He will open another.
Clark has written shorts, documentaries, biopics, and television pilots. He has also collaborated with Hollywood directors like Bill Duke. He loves writing mainstream uplifting inspiring stories that propels the human spirit and exalt God.